A Soul Journey will be meaningful and possibly life-changing. Are you ready for personal breakthroughs, energetic shifts and transformation?
Our soul is always calling, every moment of every day. The more you listen to it, the easier it gets. Your soul is always calling. It was calling yesterday, it is calling today, and it will be calling next week.
Answering the calling of your soul is an ongoing conversation. The goal is not to hear the call of your soul once but rather to live a soul-led life. To ask the wise part of you to step forward and lead you, every day. It’s not about doing one big thing, or finding one single answer, it’s doing lots of little things in that direction, one after the other. It’s through following each and every little call – a step here and a leap there – that we find ourselves living the life we are called to live.
Now, more than ever, many of us are questioning our lifestyles, values and goals. Many of us have been reviewing our lives and thinking about what life could look like moving forward and focusing on what kind of connections we want. Are you happy with your life? Do you feel complacent, bored or directionless? Do you want to know yourself better? Life is a journey of discovering yourself and every single thing that we do shines some light on who we are and who we are not.
If you were told a self-discovery journey could change the trajectory of your life forever, would you be interested?
We invite you to explore your inner world in a small group setting. Your self-journey will be an amazing full day experience where you will gain more clarity and understanding of yourself, and afterwards define and act upon your values and priorities. Now is a great time to break through, energise and transform to live the life you truly want and that you truly deserve.
Sample Program:
۞ Greeting and Welcome
۞ Energy Cleanse
۞ Intention Setting
۞ Short Meditation
۞ Soul Journey
۞ Observations and Discussion
۞ Closing
Whether you are just starting your journey or have already had soul journey experiences, your day will be tailored especially for you, and we welcome you with a warm heart.
About us
Matthieu - “I have always believed there are alternative approaches to treating mind and body, which led me to become a Bowen therapist several years ago. Whilst I have a successful Bowen practice (Boronia Bowen Natural Therapies), I have also studied many other modalities, including meditation, light therapy, natural medicines, traditional indigenous ceremonies, as well as many other related subjects. I have been to many intensive meditation retreats – both here and overseas and have experienced a deep awareness and understanding of the mind and body. Some of these retreats were for more than 6 months and included total silence meditations for months at a time. I am grateful for my retreat meditations as well as my experiences with indigenous peoples which has enabled me to open up to intense feelings and awakenings which have benefited my life so much.
I look forward to guiding you on your journey and sharing my experience and knowledge in a safe space.”
Kate – “Like Matthieu, I too have always believed in alternative approaches to mental and physical health. For many years, I have been interested in all things alternative. Some years ago, I studied and became Certified in Usui Reiki. I then had a calling to study Angelic Reiki and became a Reiki Master (Certified Angelic Reiki healer through the Angelic Reiki Association(TM)). It was such a beautiful learning experience and I knew straight away this was what I wanted to be able to give to others.
Over the years I have worked with singing bowls, shamanic drums, crystals, tarot, runes, spiritual numerology (Certified), claircognisance and clairtangency and I am always open to expanding my knowledge in established and new areas that may be presented to me.
Undertaking a Soul Journey is an amazing and powerful experience in exploring your inner world.”
Other Details
Exchange - $350 per session
$900 for 3 sessions (recommended)
Participants – maximum of 3
Timing – 12 hours Location – private home in Boronia
Contact us
For more information and/or any questions, we would love to hear from you
Email – angelicreiki91@gmail.com
Phone – please send sms first and we will call back.
Kate – 0493 073 192
Matthieu – 0432 625 061
